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It’s always nice for your hard work, passion and commitment to be recognized, and so it was really such an honour to be recognized by @fastcompany as a 2022 World Changing Ideas. They say that sometimes the best ideas seem obvious, and that’s certainly true for us. We think it’s obvious that seeing clothes on a body like ours is helpful when trying to find inspiration for what to wear, and particularly for when you’re deciding what to buy. We also know that beyond the functional value of Mys Tyler, our beautifully diverse and supportive community helps women around the world feel seen, feel represented and feel relevant. Because we are all different, we are all changing and we are all in this big beautiful world together.

It’s now just over 2 years that we’ve been building, and we’ll continue to learn from all of you, add more features, and continue to bring you more value. But the truth is that you are all the real value, so if we can continue to create a space where you can discover and connect with like-minded, and possibly like-bodied women, where you can share your passion for style, or just take inspiration from our community to help you feel better in what you’re wearing, then we’re doing our job. We’re here, so that you can be.

Really proud that we’ve been able to get this idea off the ground, we are beyond humbled by the incredible community that has come together, and we are grateful every day that we get to spend our time doing something we care so much about.

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