When you’re a startup and your team is as lean as ours, then everyone helps with everything. It’s why we think working at a startup is one of the best opportunities to learn about business. Everyone in our team has exposure across the business from financials to product to customers. In our weekly meeting we talk about how much money is in the bank, what we’re currently spending, and as a result what our runway is. We look at each person’s targets for the quarter, and discuss anything that is off-track so that as a group we can support each other and brainstorm ways to get back on track.
We love sharing our behind the scenes stories about what’s happening in the business, what we’ve been working on, and our learnings along the way, as a way to help more people get exposure to the business and hopefully inspire a new generation of entrepreneurs.
Internships are another way that we can help people get this invaluable experience, while also getting some help on the ground as we grow our business.
We just celebrated the end of Michelle’s internship, as she studies Digital Marketing at university, during her time with us she joined our weekly team meetings, helped Larissa with content creation for social media, joined our Fashion & Flat Whites events, worked on email marketing and paid marketing campaign and we also encouraged her to get started building a digital presence for her own startup @mylunchfriend - and by the end of her internship she had an instagram page, LinkedIn page and website all up and running!
It’s been such a fun and educational experience with Michelle, we will miss you - and your special choc protein balls!